Burger Shootout Team Rules


There will be a cooks meeting on Friday March 29th at 6:30PM at Saloon Door West

Email BlackGoldBurger@gmail.com with any questions


1. COOKING SOURCE Cooks are to prepare entries in their assigned booth using propane/gas or charcoal grills/burner as their means of cooking. You must bring your own grill/burner.

2. START TIME The parking lot will open at 10:00AM. There are no restrictions on bringing pre-cooked foods or pre-seasoning foods before the event.  The goal of this event is to create a funatmosphere.  Samples for the guests must be ready for guests at least between noon and 4.

3. AWARDS Each team will receive 4 beers from Saloon Door West and will be given tokens when they check in.  They will also receive 4 raffle tickets.  First place will receive 4 Champion rings and 40% of the cash collected for entry, second place will receive 20% of the cash collected for entry and third will receive 10% of the cash collected for entry.  There will be a public vote for the People’s champ.  This prize will be a championship belt and 10% of the cash collected for entry. The remaining 20% of the cash will be retained by Black Gold Baseball 12U.  



1. Burger – Turn in time 2:00pm.   Judging will be blind, and you will be given container/s for turning in 3 complete burgers.  Turn in burgers can be different quality than those served to the general public, but should contain the same types of ingredients (don’t put ketchup on the judges burger if you are not putting it on the publics burger, but you can put grandma’s secret ketchup on the judges burger and put Heinz on the public’s burgers).  

​​a. Burgers will be judged based on appearance, cook, use of toppings/condiments and overall enjoyability.  Score sheets will NOT be provided to the cook teams.

​​b. Burgers can be any ground product on a bun, turkey, pork, impossible or anything else that could be classified as a burger are all acceptable.  There is only one turn in category and they will be judged against everything.

2.  People’s Champs Teams are encouraged to decorate their space and/or dress up in themed costumes! Get creative, keeping in mind this is a family friendly event. The public will vote for their favorite burger with tickets and theme may influence their votes.


5. PUBLIC BURGER TASTING begins at 12pm. Attendees will make a donation to Black Gold Baseball to take part in the tasting.  With their donation they will receive voting tickets for the people’s champ.  Teams are requested to cook a minimum of 10 lb of burgers, but we encourage you to cook more.  It is recommended to cut the burger into 1oz (precooked) servings so they do not fill up at one place.  For example if you make an 8 oz patty, cut the final burger into 8 pieces.  There is no limit to how many times a person may visit a booth. Please note that this event is anticipated to draw up to at least 200 or more tasters. 

6.  COOKS MEETING One person from each team should attend the chief cooks meeting at 6:30 PM Friday March 29th at Saloon Door West. Any and all questions will be addressed. Each team is responsible for any information that is discussed at this meeting.

7. We ask that all contestants be willing to be photographed and interviewed for later promotional use. 

8. BOOTHS & EQUIPMENT Booth spaces are 10'x10'. Set up anytime after 10am on Saturday. Contestants will be responsible for supplying all ingredients, cooking utensils, stoves, grills, tables and chairs, ice chest, water supply, trash bags, etc. Marked booth locations will be on paved surface therefore, no pegs or stakes will be permitted to support booth decorations. Nothing may be placed or attached to any tree, light pole or shrubbery. Any support needed must be concrete blocks, sand bags, water jugs, etc. supplied by the contestant. Do no begin breakdown until 6pm and absolutely no grease or grey water allowed in the streets! Teams are also responsible for removing all trash from their space at the end of the event. A dumpster will be provided for trash.

9. BRAZORIA COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT Teams must provide a discard bucket, soap, paper towel and water. Teams are required to provide a proper dishwashing station. 


Schedule of Events 


10:00am Teams Begin Set Up 

2:00 Burger Turn In (2:00-2:10) 

Public Burger Sampling Begins 

5:00 pm Awards Ceremony 

6pm The 2024 Black Gold Burger Shootout Closes

TEMPORARY FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS GENERAL - Temporary food establishments are food establishments that operate for a period of no more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration. Temporary food service establishments shall comply with State and local rules except as otherwise provided herein. The regulatory authority may impose additional requirements to protect against health hazards related to the conduct of the temporary food service establishment, and may prohibit the sale of some or all potentially hazardous foods, and when no health hazard will result, may waiver or modify requirements of the these rules. 

RESTRICTED OPERATIONS – Only those potentially hazardous foods that require limited preparation; require minimal handling or require limited cooking time shall be prepared or served. This does not include extensive chopping, mixing, or cutting. The preparation or service of other potentially hazardous foods, including pastries filled with cream or synthetic cream, custards and similar products, and salads or sandwiches containing meat, poultry, eggs or fish is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply, however, to any potentially hazardous food that has been prepared and packaged in approved food service establishments under conditions meeting the requirements of the law. 

FOOD – Food shall be safe, unadulterated, honestly presented, and obtained from an approved source that comply with applicable laws. Food prepared in a private home, is considered to be from an unapproved source. This food may not be used or offered for human consumption. 

Employees – While preparing food, employee may not work if sick; may not wear jewelry; and shall not eat, drink, or use tobacco. Employee shall wear hair restraint, such as hats, hair coverings or net to prevent contamination of food, utensils, and single service articles. 

HANDWASHING - A convenient hand washing facility shall be available for employee. A hand washing facility shall include an insulated container with a spigot that can be turned on to allow potable, clean warm water to flow; a wastewater container; soap; disposable towels; and a waste receptacle. Hand washing facilities are not required if the only food items offered are commercially prepackaged foods dispensed in their original containers. When handling ready-to-eat foods, employee shall utilize suitable utensils, gloves or a chemical hand sanitizer as barrier. 

TEMPERATURES - The internal temperature of cold foods must be 41°F or below and hot foods 135° F or above. A metal stem thermometer shall be provided to check temperatures of hot and cold foods. Reheating for hot holding shall be done rapidly to 165°F and the time the food is between the temperatures may not exceed four hours. 

ICE - Ice that is consumed or that contacts food shall have been made under conditions meeting the requirements of the rules. The ice shall be obtained only in chipped, crushed or cubed form and in single-use safe plastic or wet-strength paper bags filled and sealed at the point of manufacture. The ice shall be held in these bags until it is dispensed in a way that protects it from contamination. 

WAREWASHING - Three clean containers with lids may be used, as alternative manual ware washing equipment - equivalent to a three-compartment sink. Food contact surfaces of all equipment and utensils shall be washing, rinsing, and sanitizing. Liquid bleach shall be provided for sanitizing equipment and utensils. A test kit that measures the concentration in mg/L of sanitizing solution is required. 

CLEANING – Equipment shall be cleaned in a way that prevents food contamination and the general area shall be kept clean at all times. SINGLE-SERVICE ARTICLES - Only single-service tableware shall be provided to the consumer. 

WATER – Water from an approved source shall be made available in a temporary food establishment for food preparation, hand washing, and for cleaning and sanitizing utensils and equipment. Water from an approved source includes: commercially bottled drinking water, closed portable water containers, enclosed vehicular water tank, on-premise water storage tanks, or piping, tubing or hoses connected to an approved source. 

STORAGE - Single-service items, food equipment and utensils shall be stored at least six inches above the flooring. WET STORAGE - Packaged food may not be stored in direct contact with ice or water if the food is subject to the entry of water because of the nature of its packaging, wrapping, or container or its positioning in the ice or water.

GARBAGE - All establishments shall have a covered garbage container. RESTROOMS - Restrooms shall be provided for booth operators and customers. 

Hand washing Station ** Provide the appropriate test kit to check sanitize solution concentration 

1 Wash (Warm soapy water) 

2 Rinse (clean water) 

3 Disinfect (Clean water plus disinfectant at 24° F for 45 seconds) 

Provide the appropriate test kit to check solution concentration 

(Bleach Chlorine 100ppm, “quats” 200ppm, iodine 25ppm) 

Minimum cooking temperatures Ground meats 155°F All Poultry 165°F Pork, beef, fish 145°F